Like lint to a wool coat, we all have attracted spiritual “lint” to our souls. You know the stuff: negative thought patterns; fatalistic feelings; unhealthy habits and so forth. We pick these things up as we go through life’s ups and downs. Would you like to be rid of it? Come to the Holy Spirit Weekend!
We will not promise that one weekend can fix a
life time of troubles, but let’s give God February 7-8 and see what He can do
with us!
On February 7 we will do a “soul care” night. Our Freedom prayer team will set up stations around the church designed to help you encounter God in a special way. Then, on February 8, Pastor Paul Boakye will facilitate discussions in “Finding Rest for the Soul”; “Healing from spiritual wounds”; and “Living from Overflow”.
We think it will be a blessing to you! Here is the schedule:
Friday, February 7
7:00-9:00pm “Soul Care” stations
Saturday, February 8
8:00am “Pot-luck” breakfast. Bring something yummy to share!
9:00am-12:00pm Morning Session
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-3:00pm Afternoon Session
3:00pm Dismissal