Membership to New River Church is on a yearly basis. Please take
some time to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to New River
Church in 2025. An opportunity to sign the fellowship covenant will take
place on January 26th at the 9am and 11am celebrations.
covenant Sunday
Holy Spirit weekend 2025
Like lint to a wool coat, we all have attracted spiritual “lint” to our souls. You know the stuff: negative thought patterns; fatalistic feelings; unhealthy habits and so forth. We pick these things up as we go through life’s ups and downs. Would you like to be rid of it? Come to the Holy Spirit Weekend!
We will not promise that one weekend can fix a
life time of troubles, but let’s give God February 7-8 and see what He can do
with us!
On February 7 we will do a “soul care” night. Our Freedom prayer team will set up stations around the church designed to help you encounter God in a special way. Then, on February 8, Pastor Paul Boakye will facilitate discussions in “Finding Rest for the Soul”; “Healing from spiritual wounds”; and “Living from Overflow”.
We think it will be a blessing to you! Here is the schedule:
Friday, February 7
7:00-9:00pm “Soul Care” stations
Saturday, February 8
8:00am “Pot-luck” breakfast. Bring something yummy to share!
9:00am-12:00pm Morning Session
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-3:00pm Afternoon Session
3:00pm Dismissal
Join us at the church building Sunday mornings at 9am & 11am for our Celebrations. Stop by the Welcome Kiosk in the lobby so we can meet you!
Grow Zone for children 3yrs through 11yrs is offered at the 9am and 11am celebrations (Check-in children on arrival in the lobby). Children join their parents in service until they are dismissed to class after worship and prayer.
- 9AM - Three classes available by age: 3-5, 6-8, & 9-11
- 11AM - Two classes available by age: 3-6 & 7-11
The Nursery
for little ones up to age 2 is available during both celebrations Sunday morning (parents can drop off before they enter the sanctuary or at anytime throughout the Celebration).
The 9am Celebration will stream live on Facebook, YouTube, and the Live Stream page of this website for those who wish join in from home.
GEt Connected Through serving & life groups!
Want to be part of something truly epic? There is definitely SPACE FOR YOU as New River works hard to transform our community with the love of Jesus. We'd LOVE for you to join us! If you'd like to join a life group or are interested in serving in one of our ministries, leave your info here and one of our leaders will get in touch with you! (No worries, it's secure and we're the only ones who see it.)
Check out meeting times of current Life Groups here!
Mobile Foodshare
The Mobile Foodshare truck visits the New River Church parking lot every other Wednesday from 12pm - 12:30pm. This mobile pantry provides fruits & vegetables to those in need.
Upcoming dates:
- January 8th & 22nd
- February 5th & 19th
Church center app
River Church now has an app for calendar, life groups, event
registrations, and more! You can download it from the App Store or the
Google Play Store.
If you are using a desktop or laptop to view this site, you can use your phone to scan the QR code and download the app today. Or if you are viewing from your smartphone, tap the QR code.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office @ (860) 648-2970 or
Click this link for a helpful video to walk you through how to find your church.