beginning a friendship with jesus

In the Bible, Jesus defined "eternal life" as actually knowing Him. (John 17:3) By confessing your need for Him and your desire to be friends with Jesus, you are beginning the most exciting adventure of your life!  Knowing Jesus is the key to having eternal life.  This life does not just begin after we die. Oh no!  We can enjoy the thrill of walking with God right now!  He has so many good things in store for us when we trust Him.  

The Bible is a big book and there are a lot of churches so where do you begin?  We would encourage you to start by downloading the FREE "YouVersion" Bible App onto your phone.  This is loaded with all sorts of great resources for you to enjoy.  

getting connected

We would be honored to help you find a good group of fellow believers who can help you to grow in your friendship with Jesus.  If you are local to Central Connecticut, we would welcome you to New River Church at any time.  Please "like" us on FaceBook so that you can be up to date on the latest happenings.  

If you are not local, or if New River does not fit your "style", we'd be glad to help connect you with another group of believers.  The important thing is that you find a group of friends who are also seeking Jesus and that you get plugged in with them.  Christianity is a team sport, we are not meant to do it alone.  

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